
All Features


C++ ratio to the programming
language used

Available applications on tablet devices supporting distribution companies, inventory, point of sale, restaurants
and web reports

Very high efficiency on all available networks in global markets

Ability to zoom in or out on
the display screen with the
choice of suitable colors

High speed achieved by the program with the latest versions of SQL Server 2014

Full compatibility with
all Windows operating
systems from version
10 and later

Supports seven international languages for ease of use and flexible performance

Comfortable work interface designed for long work periods with special themes for each user


Ability to invest an asset
from assets with a
certain amount of sales
at a customer

Can design an unlimited
number of commercial
documents such as checks
and invoices

Ability to divide products using assembly material for several products flexibly without the need for manufacturing unit

Can copy any invoice or document and paste it into another invoice or document even from several years ago

Hierarchical permission distribution system where the system manager can grant or revoke specific permissions for each user

The program provides reports simply
and clearly with the ability to print
them in XML, XLS, or export
them to other programs

Ability to set a group of favorite accounts to review their balances on the desktop and update them periodically

Utilize cost center tool
to make audit reports
more flexible

SMS Messages
Follow all actions taken in your business through SMS messages that summarize all reports and operations executed at the end of the day


Easy printing of reports using
ready-made templates
provided by the program

Diversify your transactions
between your branches
and agents simply
and easily

Search feature available within the reports in the AlAmeen program (text reports, Excel reports)

All user categories can work on it due to its inclusivity and ease (accountants, traders, industrialists, trainees)

Supports multiple report pages and provides easy navigation between them and other program windows without returning to the original

To preserve your documents, you can save reports as text files or Excel files within the AlAmeen program

Integration and Linking:

Linkable with many programs in addition to exporting data regardless of its type and recoverability

Can export and import
files and merge
files with multiple

Can create work position lists linked with your work patterns from commercial documents to save time and avoid errors

All network participants can perform all operations simultaneously within the specified permissions by management

Can link online between branches and management and use similar work synchronously, allowing work even when the internet service is interrupted

Can link your invoices
and orders with payments
made easily

Full Compatibility
The program is fully compatible with all requirements of the second stage of the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority

Diversity and Time-Saving:

Backup schedule or file maintenance operations and leave the execution scheduling regularly for the AlAmeen program

Create your offers
in one minute
regardless of their

Various financial statements are available (cost of goods produced, cost of goods sold, movement cost)

Provides diverse warrants for controlling warehouses effectively (entry, exit)

A toolkit is available on
the interface The system’s
system supports The decision
making process at
The user regarding
the purchase

Automatically send messages and emails to your customers, suppliers, and employees when a specific event occurs such as issuing an invoice

Sign the lease in advance for 6 months and let Al-Amin handle the expense distribution process and generate entries automatically every month

Send and receive instant messages with your colleagues and supervisors
on the desktop.

Create invoices of different types (offers, transfers, credit notes, wholesale sales).

The program provides advanced tools for inventory adjustments (manual inventory, importing inventory from inventory application) and others for quick search, modification, and generating new data cards.


AlAmeen allows you to create a sales plan where goals and multiple budgets are set, followed by performance monitoring.

Al Ameen has a tool that helps
Several departments cooperate with each other Master production schedule

Define materials, activities
profitable branches
or families

AlAmeen provides pre-defined budgets to determine if you have enough funds to carry out necessary tasks.

AlAmeen offers a purchasing
plan by studying materials
based on demand.

Create industrial expense budgets for each accounting period and pre-set loading rates.

Electronic invoicing
The program supports approved electronic invoicing by the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority.

Customization and Full Control:

Set your industrial cost standards
monitor them, and review
deviations from the
set standards.

Expand your use of AlAmeen’s features by creating custom fields.

Control your inventory movement through various types of invoices filled with operational options and the cost you choose (periodic inventory, final).

Print stickers that can be attached to materials and assets you deal with.

Monitoring and Goal Achievement:

Ensure all your inventory quantities
have moved through the invoices
and accounts you defined.

Use financial ratios to control how your employees manage your company’s resources and detect issues early.

The DSS Designer in Al Ameen provides
a decision support tool specifically
tailored to meet the needs of
enterprises with multiple branches
facing logistical challenges.

Analyze financial ratios and use the results to study your company’s performance and identify its strengths and weaknesses.

Set your goals and monitor
your representatives
and their performance.

Al Ameen provides reports to monitor your business and measure your performance in all program areas.

Al Ameen log file
oversees all user
actions through various
search and
filtering options.

Review your current business
value and compare it
with your past results.

Get a free trial version now
Download the trial version to discover the program’s features and experience it


The trustee provides an
income statement accordingly
For profit centers (local sales)
Agents – Export), with
capacity To demonstrate
joint analysis

The system provides advanced tax filing Taking into account the strictest accounting standards In an appropriate and consistent format Required by the Zakat and Income Tax Authority

The tax return provides maintenance
tools To detect incorrect entries in
order to fix them The client can also
close the period Tax once and for
all No modifications will
be made to it.

Al Ameen provides an income list according to categories It allows displaying the analysis of the unit subscriber size Sold, and the user can inquire
Detailed breakdown of profitability for each category

Al Ameen provides an
integrated tax system With
the tax return tool to find out
Tax data and its
export Very easily

The tax report provides a review of invoices Taxation and liquidation of cost centres Customers’ tax numbers and a decision can be taken Monthly or quarterly and knowing the returns Tax even for previous years

A package of applications on smart devices
for effective integration into your work.

Advanced Features
Enjoy a more professional experience with exceptional features.

Seven comprehensive systems
for all types of businesses.

All Features


High speed achieved by the program with the latest versions of SQL Server 2014

C++ ratio to the programming
language used

Full compatibility with all Windows operating systems from version 10 and later

Available applications on tablet devices supporting distribution companies, inventory, point of sale, restaurants and web reports

Supports seven international languages for ease of use and flexible performance

Very high efficiency on all available
networks in global markets

Comfortable work interface designed for long work periods with special themes for each user

Ability to zoom in or out on the display screen with the choice of suitable colors


Hierarchical permission distribution system where the system manager can grant or revoke specific permissions for each user

Ability to invest an asset from assets with a
certain amount of sales at a customer

The program provides reports simply and clearly with the ability to print them in XML, XLS, or export them to other programs

Can design an unlimited number of commercial documents such as checks and invoices

Ability to set a group of favorite accounts to review their balances on the desktop and
update them periodically

Ability to divide products using assembly material for several products flexibly without the need for manufacturing unit

Utilize cost center tool to make audit
more flexible

Can copy any invoice or document
and paste it into another invoice or
document even from several years ago

SMS Messages
Follow all actions taken in your business through SMS messages that summarize all reports and operations executed at the end of the day


All user categories can work on it due to its inclusivity and ease (accountants, traders, industrialists, trainees)

Easy printing of reports using
ready-made templates
provided by the program

Supports multiple report pages and provides easy navigation between them and other program windows without returning
to the original

Diversify your transactions between your branches and agents simply and easily

To preserve your documents, you can save reports as text files or Excel files within the
Al Ameen program

Search feature available within the reports in the AlAmeen program (text reports,
Excel reports)

Integration and Linking:

All network participants can perform all operations simultaneously within the specified
permissions by management

Linkable with many programs in addition
to exporting data regardless of
its type and recoverability

Can link online between branches and management and use similar work synchronously, allowing work even when the internet service is interrupted

Can export and import files and
files with multiple branches

Can link your invoices and orders
with payments
made easily

Can create work position lists linked with your work patterns from commercial documents to save time and avoid errors

Full Compatibility
The program is fully compatible with all requirements of the second stage of the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority

Diversity and Time-Saving:

Automatically send messages and emails to your customers, suppliers, and employees when a specific event occurs such
as issuing an invoice

Backup schedule or file maintenance operations and leave the execution scheduling regularly for the AlAmeen program

Sign the lease in advance for 6 months and let Al-Amin handle the expense distribution process and generate entries automatically every month

Create your offers in one minute
regardless of their complexity

Send and receive instant messages with your colleagues and supervisors on the desktop.

Various financial statements are available (cost of goods produced, cost of goods
sold, movement cost)

Create invoices of different types (offers, transfers, credit notes, wholesale sales).

Provides diverse warrants for controlling warehouses effectively (entry, exit)

The program provides advanced tools for inventory adjustments (manual inventory, importing inventory from inventory application) and others for quick search, modification, and generating new data cards.

A toolkit is available on the interface The system’s system supports The decision making process at The user regarding the purchase


AlAmeen provides pre-defined budgets to determine if you have enough funds to
carry out necessary tasks.

AlAmeen allows you to create a sales plan where goals and multiple budgets are set, followed by performance monitoring.

AlAmeen offers a purchasing
plan by studying materials
based on demand.

Al Ameen has a tool that helps
Several departments cooperate with each other Master production schedule


Create industrial expense budgets for each accounting period and pre-set loading rates.

Create industrial expense budgets for each accounting period and pre-set loading rates.

Electronic invoicing
The program supports approved electronic invoicing by the Zakat, Tax, and Customs Authority.

Customization and Full Control

Control your inventory movement through various types of invoices filled with operational options and the cost you choose (periodic inventory, final).

Set your industrial cost standards monitor them, and review deviations from the set standards.

Print stickers that can be attached to
materials and assets you deal with.

Expand your use of AlAmeen’s features by creating custom fields.

Monitoring and Goal Achievement:

Set your goals and monitor your representatives and their performance.

Ensure all your inventory quantities
have moved through the invoices
and accounts you defined.

Al Ameen provides reports to monitor your business and measure your performance in
all program areas.

Use financial ratios to control how your employees manage your company’s resources and detect issues early.


Al Ameen log file oversees all user
actions through various search and
filtering options.

The DSS Designer in Al Ameen provides
a decision support tool specifically
tailored to meet the needs of
enterprises with multiple branches
facing logistical challenges.

Review your current business value and compare it with your past results.

Analyze financial ratios and use the results to study your company’s performance and identify its strengths and weaknesses.

Get a free trial version now
Download the trial version to discover the
program’s features and experience it


Al Ameen provides an income list according to categories It allows displaying the analysis of the unit subscriber size Sold, and the user can inquire Detailed breakdown of profitability
for each category

The trustee provides an income statement accordingly For profit centers (local sales)
Agents – Export), with capacity To demonstrate joint analysis

Al Ameen provides an integrated tax system With the tax return tool to find out
Tax data and its export Very easily

The system provides advanced tax filing Taking into account the strictest accounting standards In an appropriate and consistent format Required by the Zakat and
Income Tax Authority

The tax report provides a review of invoices Taxation and liquidation of cost centres Customers’ tax numbers and a decision can be taken Monthly or quarterly and knowing the returns Tax even for previous years

The tax return provides maintenance
tools To detect incorrect entries in order to fix them The client can also close the period Tax once and for all No modifications will
be made to it.


Seven comprehensive systems
for all types of businesses.

Advanced Features

Enjoy a more professional experience with exceptional features.


A package of applications on smart devices for effective integration into your work.

Contact us